Rolling Hills land 166 acres

Logan County

Residential - Mixed


This site has 166 acres located behind the Logan Memorial Hospital that is prime for residential development.

Potential Market/Users:
Low income housing, assisted living, nursing home, mixed residential and light commercial.
Potential Competitors:
Russellville currently has 140 units of HUD low income housing. There is a waiting list for another 50 or so units.
Current Investors:

Point of Contact:
Tom Harned, CEcD
Logan Economic Alliance for Development
279 726 9575
Project Address:
1600 Pine Drive
Russellville, KY 42276
Management Team:

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is provided without warranty of any kind. The Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development does not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained on this website. Further, the available projects listed herein may or may not have the necessary characteristics for the Opportunity Zone program. The Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development encourages each interested Investor to perform its own due diligence to ensure the project complies with the requirements of 26 CFR ยง 1.1400z2(d)- 1, et seq.