Executive Order on Targeting Opportunity Zones and Other Distressed Communities for Federal Site Locations



Washington -The General Services Administration (GSA) announced that it will prioritize Opportunity Zones and distressed communities when making real estate investment decisions. Such an announcement followed the issuance of an executive order by President Trump on August 24, 2020.  The Executive Order directs the prioritization of Opportunity Zones, other distressed communities, and centralized community business areas, including specific areas recommended by local officials, for future federal buildings and leases, while considering factors like the mission, cost, and security. To read the full Executive Order,

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Disclaimer: The information contained herein is provided without warranty of any kind. The Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development does not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained on this website. Further, the available projects listed herein may or may not have the necessary characteristics for the Opportunity Zone program. The Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development encourages each interested Investor to perform its own due diligence to ensure the project complies with the requirements of 26 CFR § 1.1400z2(d)- 1, et seq.