Small to mid-size bourbon and moonshine distillery located on the banks of scenic Lake Carnico. Site also includes a golf course and multiple building sites for distilled, museum, restaurant, and hotel.
Potential Market/Users:
KY’s bourbon industry has a multi-billion dollar impact on our state’s economy through tourism and bourbon sales. This distillery will tap into a niche market share by providing the total visitor experience (bourbon, food, entertainment, heritage, recreation, and lodging). We will also honor KY’s (Eastern KY specifically) role in moonshine production during the early to mid-1900s making us Bourbon Country’s only moonshine producer.
Potential Competitors:
In the immediate area there are no current competitors. Plans for a similar sized distillery are in development in nearby Paris, KY. Carlisle presents a unique opportunity to connect all 3 of KYs bourbon-centric “trails” - KY Bourbon Trail, Craft Bourbon Trail, and the B-Line.
Current Investors: