McKee supermarket business center

jackson County

Commercial, Office, Retail


The property is a business center consisting of 3 buildings. The main building, which was formerly an IGA supermarket, has over 10,000 square ft over roof. A second building, which was previously a clothing store,has about 2200 sq ft over roof. The third building, which is partitioned so as to accommodate either one or two businesses, has over 2500 sq ft over roof. All the buildings are of masonry construction. The property has outstanding parking.

Potential Market/Users:
The property is well suited for a grocery supermarket or a Gas/Convenience Store.
Potential Competitors:
Save A Lot is the only grocery in the McKee area. Community input indicates that the area would support a grocery which carries name brand merchandise. The only Gas/Convenience store in McKee has very limited space and often has long lines at the gas pumps.
Current Investors:
Jim Hays,540 Highway 587, McKee, KY 40447

Point of Contact:
Jim Hays
(606) 634-4260
Project Address:
478 Main Street
McKee, KY 40447
Management Team:

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