Downtown Carlisle Restaurant Property

nicholas County



A great restaurant property is for sale in picturesque Carlisle , KY ( ) located in the greater Lexington, KY area . Only 35 miles from Lexington it is also convenient to Maysville, Paris , Cynthiana , Flemingsburg and Mt. Sterling . This property is located downtown and a new courthouse/justice center is being build next door . It is fully equipped to be a full service restaurant . There is a charming covered outdoor patio area . The second floor is unfinished but could be built out to become a rental apartment or the residence for an Owner/Chef . The venue would be perfect for a Farm To Table or other concept . There is ample parking in the downtown area .

This property is also located in a Kentucky Opportunity Zone which could create some tax benefits for a new owner .

Address 215 N. Broadway , Carlisle , KY 40311

First Floor – 4,200 sq ft
Second Floor 2,500 sq ft

Seating 80 inside
40 patio

Total 6,700 sq ft

Approximate value of FF&E ( Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment ) – $161,000

Listing Price $425,000 ( includes FF&E )

Potential Market/Users:
This would be perfect for a chef or restaurateur owner/operator who wants to do a chef inspired " Farm to Table " restaurant .
Potential Competitors:
Carlisle would be a great place for a cool destination restaurant since its close to several towns including Maysville and Lexington .
Current Investors:

Point of Contact:
Mark Sievers
The Sievers Company LLC ( affiliate of Apex Realty )
(859) 576-2257
Project Address:
215 N. Broadway
Carlisle , KY 40311
Management Team:

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is provided without warranty of any kind. The Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development does not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained on this website. Further, the available projects listed herein may or may not have the necessary characteristics for the Opportunity Zone program. The Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development encourages each interested Investor to perform its own due diligence to ensure the project complies with the requirements of 26 CFR § 1.1400z2(d)- 1, et seq.