Our 70 year old 501C-3 group owns the ‘now closed’ 100K sq. ft. Evarts High School. The intention is to convert the structure into senior residential living and/or multi-use commercial operations. Senior housing and Motel rentals for our outdoor recreational visitors might be the highest-and-best use for this facility. Our community has a 4,000 acre off road park, camp grounds, zip lines, and commercial services. The building is in excellent condition and might qualify for historical status on a portion of the building. www.evartsalumni.com will show you the entire project.
Potential Market/Users:
The 'upside' of this project is that there will be a $50 Million Elk animal preserve just 40 miles from our project. The anticipated annual visitors is 3/4 Million. This would be locate in Bell County between Pineville and Harlan County.
Potential Competitors:
We have no competitors for this facility. We need senior housing. We need motel space. We have acreage for campgrounds. We have acreage for a residential subdivision.
Current Investors:
James Deal, 101 Bridge Street, Evarts, Ky 40828